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Grouped in teams of 3, students will get to experience several areas of the criminal justice field by competing in multiple events including:

*Crime Scene Investigation and Analysis

*MILO Simulator Scenarios

*Prison Cell Searches

*And More!

Sign up with two of your friends or sign up as a "free agent" and we will put you on a team.


Come and experience why a career in this high-demand field might be the path for you!

[{"id":"2548128","eventID":"23632","date":"2025-04-25","max":"36","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-12-18 20:41:47","updatedAt":"2024-12-18 21:02:35","times":[]}]

Please list preferred team members or leave blank to be a "free agent."

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